drag and drop

  1. M

    Android Question [B4X] CustomListView Reorder items by dragging

    Hi everyone, I'm doing some researches, is there any way to reorder a CLV item by dragging and dropping it in a new location? A bit like in the following image Thanks in advance.
  2. B4J Library [B4J] [Class] CLVDragger Mod v8 with OrderChanged Event

    CustomListView with Drag and Drop Support for items based on Erel's Class CLVDragger Modifications: v8 1. Added Callback Support 2. Added Event: OrderChanged ( ItemIndex as int , NewIndex as Int) ItemIndex: Item which was dragged NewIndex: Where item was dropped
  3. Share My Creation [BANanoJsPDFAD] The Ultimate Drag n Drop jsPDF Document Creation Engine

    Ola First of all, a great thanks to Alain for his brilliant BANano project, otherwise this feat would not even be close to possible. Above all else, Viva to Erel & B4X! A great thanks!! 🙏 Anyway, You’re not obligated to win. You’re obligated to keep trying to do the best you can every day...
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