
  1. J

    Android Question Drawing regardless of the device?

    I have this code: in a loop I draw circles while changing the distance between them. Next to it I have a reference line from 0 to 75%y. On the 10" emulator, the circles reach roughly 50% of the reference line, on the 4" emulator they are beyond the end of the line. How to make it so that they...
  2. D

    Android Question Component to draw on images (for B4A and B4I)

    Hi, For a customer that is active in the construction and placement of aluminium windows i need to create an app that allows to take images on the road. For each image, it should be possible to draw on it with the finger and save the image including the drawing to a new image. These images...
  3. M

    Android Question Hand Draw on Google Maps

    Hi everyone, i never done something like this, so i ask to understand if this is possibile. I need to draw an area on a Map (google maps): It's possibile to draw directly moving the finger on the screen and "convert" this spline in a list of point to give to google maps? I know that this isn't...
  4. Lucas Eduardo

    Android Question fill with color - CanvasView

    Hello, i used this lib from @Johan Schoeman some time ago and now i want to use again, but i would like to know if there is a way to make an option to paint some part of the my drawing with fill and not only where pass with finger. Like the tool that program "Paint" have, see the image. In the...