event click

  1. R

    Android Question How to use FocusChanged event of B4XFloatTextField in B4XPreferencesDialog?

    Trying to trigger a custom keyboard when a B4XFloatTextField is clicked in the B4XPreferencesDialog and having trouble doing this. Have tried via the FocusChanged event and also via the EnterPressed event. Any suggestions how this should be done? RBS
  2. Lucas Siqueira

    Wish Event Click in BBCodeView

    Please modify Sub TouchPanel_Touch Private Sub TouchPanel_Touch (Action As Int, X As Float, Y As Float) Dim run As BCTextRun = Null If URLToLines.Size > 0 Or Action = TouchPanel.TOUCH_ACTION_UP Then run = FindTouchedRun(X, Y) End If If run <> Null And...
  3. stanlyonhack

    Android Question invoke an event from another event

    I wish I could invoke an event from another event, example: To remove an element from a CustomListView I use the event of this object Sub CustomListView_ItemClick (Index As Int, Value As Object) CustomListView.RemoveAt (Index) End Sub Now my question is how can I invoke this event from the...
  4. M

    Android Question problem with click event in wrapping a lib

    hi there i use to wrap a lib from a java for b4a i made almost every thing make run but i stick in click event and enevt wont rasing here is my java onclick code public void ClickListener() { CV.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override...