
  1. Android Question ExecNonQuery2 Insert using (?)

    Hi. My first post so forgive me if you start yawning and getting angry telling me, "you should have searched this post.." I have searched 100s of threads and tried umpteen options but I'm still getting an error. I'm simply trying to INSERT into my sqlite DB (the code works fine when I commit...
  2. L

    B4J Question ExecNonQuery2 and Smart String Literals

    Hi all, I need to update records in a database with ExecNonQuery2. But the values in the array need to be enclosed in quotes. My query: sql.ExecNonQuery2("UPDATE parts SET PartID = ? WHERE PartID = ?",Array("'" & row(1) & "'", "'" & row(0) & "'")) '<-- this doesn't work The query should look...
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