
  1. Star-Dust

    Android Code Snippet 📌 [B4A] Save a file to the Download folder (and document, pictures, music, movies, dcim folders)

    Hello everyone, 👋 With the latest Android restrictions, direct access to the Download folder is no longer possible. However, by using MediaStore, we can save files in a way that’s fully compatible with the new system policies. 🔹 What does this snippet do? ✅ Saves a file directly to the...
  2. C

    Android Question Should I replace File.DirRootExternal?

    In my private (not publishing to Play Store and using on my private Android 10 device) phone I've made myself an app that saves its' backups in storage/emulated (File.DirRootExternal), I've implemented permission checking and everything works well. I really prefer to have it over there as it's...
  3. M

    Android Question Using external jar lib

    Hello all, I need help using a third-party library with B4a. They provided me a minimal library to certify if I could use it with B4a. The sample library should return the uppercase of a string I declared it in the project with... #AdditionalJar: string_converter then I called up the...