
  1. morteza ariyan

    Android Question problem with connecting to HC-05 in android 10

    hi, I have a problem with HC 05 in android 10. first of all I sat up the board like the one in the tutorial ( this tutorial ) and installed Bluetooth Terminal HC-05 to test whether it's working fine or not. as you see in the picture by sending a character like "A" the green light turns on and...
  2. rad

    Android Question Need Help for RTU MODBUSS library

    Hi B4A Masters... Can anyone here help me to wrapping MODBUS RTU? I have to create an application which will communicate with Bluetooth HC05 @ PLC Board using stardard Modbuss RTU. And how much I have to donate for this library?
  3. carlos7000

    Spanish Chat Bluetooth [Solucionado]

    Hola a todos. Estoy tratando de crear una sencilla aplicación que permita enviar comandos y recibir respuestas de un arduino. Este es el código que estoy empleando. #Region Project Attributes #ApplicationLabel: B4A Example #VersionCode: 1 #VersionName: 'SupportedOrientations...