
  1. M

    iOS Question Why is "0xFF000000" equal to -16777216?

    Hi everyone I'm using hex numbers to be comfortable with colors... I needed to add the Alpha channel to RGB color code.. for example dim rgb_color as int = 0xFF0000 dim rgba_color as int = rgb_color + 0xFF000000 this code does not work because "0xFF000000" is recognized as -16777216, do you...
  2. stevel05

    Share My Creation [B4J] Hex View CustomView

    Here is my take on a Hex dump as a custom view. You can: Explore any size file Load one or more arrays of bytes Search the data There is a degree of customisation in the designer and subsequently in the class for setting colours used for different highlighting. Turning the headers on/off...
  3. R

    Android Question Can I set alpha level of button text in the designer?

    Can't find this. Looked for a RGBA to hex converter (in code) but couldn't fine one. RBS