
  1. A

    Share My Creation Books library1.0

    Hi All, i would like to share my humble contribution to this community , hope you like it it is an online books library where you can search and download books for any subject here is the UI snapshot: you can download and try it from here bookslibrary v1.0 please share your thoughts and...
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    Android Question Problem sending text to server in trage sdk higher than 26

    Hi, when I put the trage sdk from the manifest to more than 26, I can not send anything to the server via httpjob with the poststring. I also added the following code to the manifest but it did not work: SetApplicationAttribute(android:usesCleartextTraffic, "true") What is the solution to this...
  3. B4J Question [SOLVED] Waiting for the job to actually finish

    In this cenario, the application finishes before the post is done. What I want to achieve is that before the application ends, the post on the page is done. log: 1,2,4,3. I want the log to be 1,2,3,4. Any help? <?php //criamos o arquivo $msg = $_GET['msg']; $myfile = fopen("log.txt", "a")...
  4. German Zertifikat Problem bei REST Aufruf

    Hallo, ich versuche via einem Httpjob eine Rest API anzusprechen. leider bekomme ich immer die gleiche Meldung: ResponseError. Reason: Trust anchor for certification path not found., Response: aus meiner Sicht...
  5. Spanish Ayuda ** Service (httputils2service) Destroy **

    Hola gente. Espero que las fiestas de navidad y fin de año estuvieran de película. Quisiera pedir ayuda y preguntarles si alguno ha enfrentado problemas que se le destruya una de las librerías y el resto del código sigue funcionado. ¿Como lo han resulto? EL MENSAJE QUE INDICA EN EL LOGS: **...
  6. Android Question Attempt to write to field 'boolean anywheresoftware.b4a.samples.httputils2.httpjob._success'

    Hi, Please I need some lights, I include the resumable subs to get register from remote database, but the problem persist. Exactly occurs when I click on Login from Main Activity to navigate to ModPrincipal and I click egain on return key an wait 30 seconds in Main Activity then exception...
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