
  1. Dave O

    Android Code Snippet "high-contrast text" system setting - work-around for colored text (or font icons)

    Android 5+ has an accessibility system setting called "high-contrast fonts", which lets the user force text (or icons rendered using fonts like Material or FontAwesome) to be outlined black or white (instead of the color you set). If you use colored text (or text-based icons) to indicate...
  2. Kwame Twum

    Android Code Snippet Using Material/FontAwesome Icons as Bitmaps

    This sub will let you use icon fonts as bitmaps Sub FontBit (icon As String, font_size As Float, color As Int, awesome As Boolean) As Bitmap If color = 0 Then color = Colors.White Dim typ As Typeface = Typeface.MATERIALICONS If awesome Then typ = Typeface.FONTAWESOME Dim bmp As...