invokedynamic requires --min-sdk-version >= 26

  1. Favieri

    Android Question invalid opcode ba (invokedynamic requires --min-sdk-version >= 26)

    hi everyone, I've been researching the solution for this error here on the forum but no solution has been found so far. This started when I downloaded library printing and used it in my project, like this: Private Sub lbSensorial_Click Dim tela As B4XView = svw.Panel Dim pdf As...
  2. M

    Android Question FirebaseNotifications compiling error

    Hello evryone, I cannot compile a project that uses FirebaseNotificanions library because return the following error: B4A Versione: 10.70 Analisi del Codice. (0.03s) Java Versione: 8 Building folders structure. (0.02s) Esecuzione azione personalizzata. (0.13s) Compilazione del...