ip address

  1. M.LAZ

    B4J Question jRDC2 Testing ip address

    Hi,, i'm trying testing jRDC2 on my local browser and my Dedicated Server : when put in local browser or Server browser : http://localhost:51029/test result is this is Your ip : [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1] result is this is Your ip : in...
  2. Magma

    B4J Code Snippet Get all "usable" Network Interfaces and all "usable" settings of them (Windows)

    Another one "usable" routine, for those want to have more control at their network... Get all "usable" Network Interfaces and all "usable" settings of them (Windows)... copy - paste at your module: Sub Class_Globals Type netinterface(Index As String,macaddress As String,Name As...