java 11

  1. A

    Android Question Java version 8 vs 11

    Hi all. I'm using IDE 1.50 with Java 8. Do I need to use Java 11? No problems so far, just asking. Thanks.
  2. L

    B4J Question [B4JServer] Could not locate b4xV5.ini … [ERROR]: missing the html files.

    Please note that I am new to B4J. I have made progress but I am stuck in a frustrating place right now. Any help would be much appreciated. Here is the issue: 1. I am working in a Windows 10/VirtualBox (Ubuntu Server) environment. 2. I am compiling my Win 10 B4J BANanoServer WebSocket PWA based...
  3. Mark Read

    B4J Question [Solved] B4JPackager11 creates a 36KB run.exe file which doesn't run?

    I have written a small UI-App to decode ICG files and need to distribute the .exe file. I am using: Win 10 64 bit B4J 7.31 Java jdk 11.0.1 I have added the paths as required: 'Non-UI application (console / server application) #Region Project Attributes #CommandLineArgs...
  4. M

    Android Question Error when compiling generated java code

    Hello everyone, I'm having a issue when I try compile and run my program. He was working before some changes, but I can't find the problem and don't find any similar thread here. Apparently the function is receiving more arguments than should receive, but I don't know why either how fix it. Here...
  5. Mark Read

    B4J Question [Solved] Win 10 64 Bit + Java 11, cannot run jar file.

    A new PC with Windows 10 pro 64 bit. I have downloaded the file and extracted it to c:\java\jdk-11.0.1\ B4J is also the newest version. I can run my app in debug mode and create the jar-file but cannot run the jar from a batch file. The batch file...

    Android Question SDK Manager in java 11 not work

    HI In my B4A program v.9 , if the settings on Java are version jdk 10.0.2, everything is fine and the SDK Manager opens, :)but if the settings on Java are version jdk 11.0.2 , the SDK Manager page will not be displayed.:( I need to set the Java application version to jdk10.0.2 every time for...
  7. J

    B4J Question B4J on Raspberry Pi With Java 11

    Hi - Trying to get this working as per Erel's Tutorial post. Must be missing something - suggestions would be very welcome Looking at the Java 11 download it says it includes JavaFX When I start the bridge I get the messages as per the tutorial except after JavaFX modules: (I don't get any...