
  1. sadeq.hitex

    Android Question B4a bundle supports gradle features ?

    Language change is working before uploading to Google Play Store (xml method values-en, values-fr, .......) but not after uploading to play store (in aab , not for apk). in stackoverflow said ,use `enableSplit = false` to resolve this problem android { //... removed for brevity bundle {...
  2. Ivan Aldaz

    B4A Class AdMobConsentFormMultilang

    Hi This class shows the consent form required for ads in EEC countries and UK in several languages (see Consts in Class_Globals). It's almost a clone of the Google Consent form. Code is B4X, written for B4A. For the moment I don't use B4J or B4I, but I guess it's not much effort to adapt this...
  3. M

    iOS Question Get an UIview height (or convert from Objective C)

    Hi, i made a post before about the centering of a switch. i noticed that the switch is positioned in the top left corner of his hitbox. I need to center it. So the only way, i think, is to make the hitbox height (and width) equal to the effective height (and width) of the ios switch. There is...
  4. Pedro Caldeira

    Android Question Retrieving Phone or Tablet Language

    Hello All, I am trying to get the two letter code of the language used by the Tablet or Phone (EN) (PT) (ES), etc My device, a Samsung TabA is in Portuguese wirt all texts and messages also in Portuguese, but I always get EN, US, EN-US. Any idea why ? Sub Get_Language As String Dim jo As...

    Android Question LTR or RTL Form direction

    Hello, According to the ltr or rtl language direction coosen by the user, Please, is it an easy way to call : 1: a text or label (with direction settings rtl or ltr) 2: a complete form direction (label + Edittext) or (Edittext + label), example: or : Today, according to the language...
  6. behnam_tr

    B4J Question how can i change language in windows ??

    how can i change language in windows ?? i have two language -english -persian i want to change language to "persian" when start form
  7. A

    Android Question Hebrew TTS speak

    Hi I tried to use the TTS in hebrew, but it didnt work beacuse this language files are missing. someone knows where I can find and use the TTS on hebrew on B4A? Thanks
  8. peacemaker

    Android Question current typing keyboard's language

    How to get ?