library downloads

  1. Claudio Oliveira

    B4J Library SQLite JDBC - Library version updates

    Hi everybody! This thread is supposed to get all SQLite JDBC library version links together so as to find and download them easier. As a heavy B4J+SQLite user, I'm always looking forward to have new JDBC versions. All information contained herein has been taken from Mr. Taro L. Saito (xerial)...
  2. D

    Android Question libraries

    Okay I must be really stupid and the users guid really doesn't explain it but how does one subscribe to the libraries thread(S) to be able to update / download libs? I can't find anyplace that lets me subscribe. I did find the list of internal libs but the lib I need is in the additional or...
  3. M

    Italian Libreria Phone 2.50

    Ciao Ragazzi ho la licenza di B4A v.6.80 dove posso trovare l'aggiornamento per la libreria phone ? io ho la 2.28 e mi occorre la 2.50. Grazie
  4. Thorsen

    Android Question Where to find the newest additional libraries

    Goodday, as a just registered user I wondered where to find the most up to date libraries for example I was looking to use USBserial but find it hard to localize the best and newest in the forum threads. Any suggestions?
  5. Sreepathy T L

    Android Question Adding CA Bundle for Http POST request

    (Erel, post: 172654) This url is not working. Can you please provide me the revised URL? Also please clarify whether I will get library updates for download after the support period?