
  1. M

    Android Question How to change the text color in statusbar

    Hi everyone my app has a very light color as primary color and the text in the statusbar is not visible anymore because it is white. I wish to set it to dark in order to be readable This is my Manifest, i tried different combination of themes, but maybe i'm not doing the right thing...
  2. Markus Winter

    B4J Question Dark Mode on Win / Mac / Linux?

    Ok, I searched for 5 min but haven't found an answer, so time for a new thread: How do I support light and dark mode on the DESKTOP? TiA Markus
  3. M

    Android Question AC ToolBar change menu button color

    Hi everyone! How do I change the color of this three dots?
  4. Alexander Stolte

    Android Code Snippet [B4X] Check if color is dark or light

    This Code is a convert from this Stackoverflow thread. Private Sub isColorDark(color As Int) As Boolean Dim darkness As Int = 1 - (0.299 * GetARGB(color)(1) + 0.587 * GetARGB(color)(2) + 0.114 * GetARGB(color)(3))/255 If darkness <= 0.5 Then Return False 'It's a...