list custom type

  1. C

    Android Question Can I modify a custom type, while it's already used in a database list?

    I'm using a custom type that consists of keys like title, text, datetime, keywords etc. My simple "database" is just a list of hundreds of these. The problem is that as for now I'm using their Unix times to identify them, and that was a big mistake, as due to how the app works there will be...
  2. Rasoull

    Android Question Read List Contain type

    Hello, I have a list whose items are custom type. The list is stored in memory with Jsongenerator, but when I read those types, they are recognized as a string. How can I read the types from the list?
  3. J

    B4J Question Unexpected List behaviour

    When running the following code, the out is unexpected: Type myType( temp As Int, str As String) Dim Info As myType Dim myList As List myList.Initialize For i = 3 To 7 Info.temp = i Info.str = "Value : " & i myList.Add(Info) Next For i = 0 To...