
  1. G

    Bug? Missing layout name in italian localized warning #16

    Hello Setting Italian as B4A IDE Options > Language, the names of unused layouts are not displayed: Switching to English (I also tried French and it works), the names display as expected: Regards.
  2. D

    Android Question B4Xpages how to load a panel saved by Designer

    Hi, Guys I have what appears to be a simple question - How to you load a panel (created and saved using Designer) onto a B4X page? I have tried the following code and it does not show the new panel. Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView) Log("B4XAddPlayer_Created") Root = Root1...
  3. Mashiane

    [BANanoVuetifyAD3] Server Side Rendering (Almost)

    Hi there Yesterday I got meself thinking, what if I could ensure SSR (Server Side Rendering) be possible in the BVAD3 apps.? Server-side rendering (SSR) is an application’s ability to convert HTML files on the server into a fully rendered HTML page for the client. The web browser submits a...
  4. MarcRB

    B4J Question Loading layout in pane will not stretch/resize to pane size

    Hello, I made a layout by abstract designer. It is a layout for using in container like a pane. All views are anchord and it will be resized perfect, as I can see in Wysiwyg preview window. But when I load that layout into a pane on a page , then the layout has a fixed size. The pane it self...
  5. MarcRB

    Android Question Panel.LoadLayout initialize Spinner on it.

    Hello, In Activity_Create I load a basic layout file with some views/controls on it. One of the views is a panel. And there are buttons next and previous. The Activity is a kind of Wizard style. The buttons next and previous will set a variable named intStep. The panel loads different layouts...
  6. Guenter Becker

    Android Question Panel.LoadLayout Error

    Whish you a happy christmas, I am developing a customcontrol. I like to use a panel and load a layout build with the designer into it and than add the panel to the base of the custom control: mprops = Props Panel.Width = mBase.Width:Panel.Height=mBase.height...
  7. M

    iOS Code Snippet Horizontal Panel Scroller (like TabView in B4A) with PageIndicator

    Hi everyone, i want to share with you this example project, that is a slightly modified version of this one. Maybe can be useful to someone else. It's adapted to be an horizontal panel scroller, that correctly center the loaded layout in the panels.
  8. luc-dev

    Bug? LoadLayout with "Const" parameter doesn't check the layout file

    Hi, As B4i 5.80 is coming soon, I just wanted to report this little bug in the IDE : When using (speudo code) Sub Process_Globals Public const rsLayoutFormRecordingMenu = "form_recordingmenu" As String Private PanelFormInfo As Label public Sub InitializePage...
  9. L

    Android Question How can I load a new layout stopping sub in process

    I want that with a Activity.LoadLayout, sub in process finished. In the code below, extract from tutorial of "Different examples with 2 layouts" for TwoActivityLayouts, I add a button1 and Label1 in TwoLayouts1. Button1 write in loop with sleep on Label1. If I click in btnNext1, TwoLayouts2 is...
  10. B

    B4J Question How to do B4J form stuff (hide, return login form details)

    For B4J: 1. Is it possible to hide an existing form before opening a new form? I don't mean closing a form but "hiding" it until some later time when you want to "unhide" it. 2. How do you "pass" data between forms without using globals? 3. I am currently creating a new code module for each...

    Android Question Layout stopped loading - Runtime error

    I was working on this layout and, between changes, I don't know why started presenting this error. Line 30 ==> Parent.LoadLayout("Drawing") Error occurred on line: 30 (Drawings) java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method...