map collection

  1. B4J Question I wonder about maps: Use objects as key and Using smartstring as key

    Hello My first wonder: B4X language guid states about map collections that "The key should be a string or a number". Why is that true? I've been using objects as key a lot and for me it seems to work without problems! My other wonder: I have a problem where I want to use 2 numbers as a key in...
  2. Z

    Android Question does List contains Map

    I have a List of Maps, Maps are simple points, like (x,y) I'm trying to check if the first list contains elements(maps) from the second list... For i=0 To oList.Size -1 Dim m As Map=oList.Get(i) startX= m.Get("x") Log("X1:" & startX) startY= m.Get("y")...
  3. Android Question B4XOrderedMap / Map - putting a type object problem

    Hi people I've used the map collection storing "Type Object" values many times without issue and then hit a problem yesterday trying to store(put) a Type object into a B4XOrderedMap. It also fails with a standard Map... Hence I suspect a dumbass programming error :confused: So I declare a type...
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