
  1. S

    B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] SD Selector

    SD_Selector Author: Star-Dust Version: 0.05 fourSelector Events: ChangeValue (nSelector As Int, Index As Int) CenterClick Fields: mBase As B4XView Tag As Object Functions: Class_Globals As String DesignerCreateView (Base As Object, Lbl As Label, Props As Map) As String Base type must be...
  2. M

    [B4X] Double (Multi) Column CLV

    Hi everyone, recently i needed to implement an double column list in one of my app. I was ispired by an @Erel example, but i needed something slightly different, so i did this (i want to share with you, maybe could be useful to someone even if is a simple thing): (it support odd number of...
  3. M

    Android Question Double Column CustomListView

    hi everyone it's possibile to have a double column customlistview to achieve this kind of result? I've to do this also in B4i Thanks!
  4. LucaMs

    B4J Library [B4X] LM xCustomListView 1.73

    Some features added to the last Erel's xCustomListView (v. 1.71). As you know, it works on the three platforms (B4A, B4J, B4i). 'xCustomListView v1.73 LM ' Added MultipleSelection: ' Property MultipleSelection ' Property SelectedIndices ' Property SelectedValues '...