In the process of converting from B4A to B4X.
As I understand it it is best to avoid using NumberFormat2.
No I need to show the average of a range of integer numbers and don't want to show scientific notation eg: Avg: 1.60018275E7.
I can do this fine with NumberFormat2, but not sure how to do it...
It says that NumberFormat and NumberFormat2 is supported in BANano but I get a different behavior than in B4J.
If I use:
NumberFormat2(314.159265359, 1, 2, 0, False))
In B4J I get what I want:
In BANano I only get (wrong)
If I change MinimumFractions to 2 then I get (this is...
the following code:
Dim joBA As JavaObject
Dim joNF As JavaObject
Dim ref As Reflector
ref.Target = ref.CreateObject2("java.util.Locale", Array As Object("sl"), Array As...
after upgrade to B4A 8.0, NumberFormat2 doesn't take into account locale number format.
Dim joBA As JavaObject
Dim joNF As JavaObject
Dim ref As Reflector
ref.Target =...
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