running in background

  1. SinaDeveloper

    Android Question Check if a app is running

    Hello In my app I need to check if another app is open or not I can get the list of running apps on lower versions of Android: Dim AM As ActivityManager Dim Info() As RunningTaskInfo = AM.GetRunningTasks For i = 0 To Info.Length - 1 Log(Info(i).GetPackageName) Next But...
  2. rleiman

    Android Question [SOLVED] - Is the starter service protected against Android from putting it to sleep?

    Greetings, I have a simple question. Is the starter service protected against Android putting it to sleep? I just want to make sure a user can't put my app to sleep by messing around with "Device care" under "Settings" on their devices. If it's possible Android will do that, then I will update...