
  1. J

    Android Question Spatialite Create insert examlpes

    I am familiar with the SpatiaLite db in general and have queries running on db's created in QGis I have created a db in SpatiaLite and now need to add a table,a Geometry Column and insert rows I am unfamiliar with the B4a syntax. Any examples or help would be appreciated
  2. R

    Android Question New SQLCipher 4 with Spatialite

    Just trying out the new SQLCipher 4, for now with an unencrypted database. SQLCipher 4 can connect to this database fine, but there is a problem with Spatialite. Spatialite connects to it's own (so a different database file) database, which is unaltered. Not sure now what the interaction is...
  3. R

    Android Question point in polygon with spatialite

    Running this SQL in the spatialite gui application: SELECT ID FROM P_POINTS WHERE Within(GEOMETRY, polygonfromtext('POLYGON(-2.165476 52.604321, -2.167375 52.606777, -2.16444 52.606914, -2.163287 52.604595, -2.165476 52.604321)', 4326)) = 1 Geometry is the column in P_POINTS holding lat/lon...
  4. R

    Android Question Use both sqlcipher and spatialite?

    Is this possible? I get this error when installing to the phone (Samsung S9): ** Activity (main) Create, isFirst = true ** Connect2DB, Starter.strAppDir: /storage/3637-6230/Android/data/b4a.sqlitelight1/files Connect2DB, strDB: PhonePats.db java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError...
  5. N

    Please wrap Objective-C lightweight SpatiaLite library for B4i.

    Need help with the wrap for Objective-C lightweight spatial SQLite/SpatiaLite library for B4i Sample Project : Github project. Or equivalent of B4A Spatialite library B4A. Please...
  6. N

    Wish Please wrap Objective-C lightweight SpatiaLite library for B4i.

    Please wrap this Objective-C lightweight spatial SQLite/SpatiaLite library for B4i. Github project.
  7. N

    Wish Spatialite library for B4i

    Please any equivalent Spatialite libray for B4i. Thanks
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