
  1. R

    Android Question pragma cipher_memory_security = OFF

    Using the latest version of SQLCipher, recently uploaded by Erel: 1.7. SQLite version is 3.41.2 Before changing to the latest SQLCipher version I used to be able to change this pragma setting while running the app by just running: pragma cipher_memory_security = OFF or pragma...
  2. R

    Android Question Vacuum SQLite DB with SQLCipher

    Have a large SQLite DB, file size is 4.9 Gb, this is according to B4A File.Size (In Windows it shows at about 4.5 Gb). The file is in File.DirInternal. I copied the file to external storage (after closing the DB connection) and then copied the file to my Windows PC. I then did a vacuum in DB...
  3. R

    Android Code Snippet SQLCipher and pragma cipher_memory_security

    SQLCipher has this pragma that can speed up SQL quite a bit if memory security is turned off. Been using this for a few years now in a large database and never seen a problem with it. It can be useful when running multiple SQL's or running a single slow SQL. Attached a simple demo project that...
  4. Guenter Becker

    B4A Library TDDBUtils Functions to handle SQLite and SQLCipher

    Library: TDDBUtils.b4xlib Language: B4A Version 1.8 Manual: Version 1.5.2 (did some checks and improvements, added SQLCipher tutorial) Status: Work in Process (C) This library is free for non commercial use other use see manual. New to 1.8: optimized code fixed some errors Added grouping and...
  5. A

    Android Question Is SQLCipher as reliable as non-encrypted SQLite database

    I've no reason to doubt the reliability of SQLCipher. I haven't used it, but I plan to. Can anyone comment on whether an SQLCipher database is more likely to experience problems (data corruption etc) than a non-encrypted SQLite database. Thanks
  6. A

    iOS Question SQLCipher library for B4i

    Erel, is there any chance B4i will have a SQLCipher library or something like that to secure a database content? Thanks.
  7. tznikos

    Android Question SQLCipher Migration Issue, from 1.5 to 1.6

    I'm using SQLCipher 1.5 in an existing app. From Aug 2019 app updates will require 64-bit so I'll have to move to SQLCipher 1.6 which provides 64-bit support and upgrades from SQLCipher 3 to SQLCipher 4. But I don't see a way to use that in B4A as Sql.Initialize fails when opening an SQLCipher...
  8. Duque

    Android Question Migration SQLCiper V1.50 to V1.60

    Colleagues, I'm pretty worried, I should do this migration from SQLCiper V1.50 to V1.60, as we all know from the 64BIT binary. The problem is generated because the database created in V1.50 will not be compatible with V1.60, so as I do to pass that data to the new database when updating the app...
  9. Z

    Android Question How to open SQLcipher db in Sqlite studio 3.2.1

    Hi, I have this issue: I create database with SQLcipher 1.6 lib by this instructions: SQL1.Initialize(File.DirRootExternal, "1.db", True, DB_PASSWORD, "") https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/android-database-encryption-with-sqlcipher-library.14965/ and it works fine. But the problem...
  10. Seneca

    Spanish (SOLUCIONADO) Error al usar una BD encriptada con SQLCipher usando DB Browser for SQLite (PC)

    Hola. Estoy empezando a indagar SQLCipher y me surge una duda. Hasta ahora de empezar con el cifrado, las BD las creo en el PC (SQLite Studio) y las incrusto sin ningún registro en la app a través de la carpeta Files. Al iniciar la APP, lo primero que hago es descargar los registros desde un...
  11. R

    Android Question Problem copying table to attached DB

    Trying to copy a table from the main SQLite database (main) to an attached database. I am using SQLCipher. The table I am copying has this DDL: CREATE TABLE [ADDRESSES]([EMIS_NUMBER] INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, [HOUSE] TEXT, [STREET] TEXT, [LOCALITY] TEXT, [TOWN] TEXT, [POSTCODE] TEXT, [HOME_PHONE]...
  12. R

    Android Question SQLCipher compiled with SQLITE_ENABLE_EXPLAIN_COMMENT

    The current SQLCipher (version 3.20.1, compile date 24/08/2017) is compiled without SQLITE_ENABLE_EXPLAIN_COMMENTS, so although there is a comment output column, the Explain command doesn't produce any comments. This is a pity as it looks using Explain could be an easy way to see all the select...
  13. R

    Android Question Use both sqlcipher and spatialite?

    Is this possible? I get this error when installing to the phone (Samsung S9): ** Activity (main) Create, isFirst = true ** Connect2DB, Starter.strAppDir: /storage/3637-6230/Android/data/b4a.sqlitelight1/files Connect2DB, strDB: PhonePats.db java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError...
  14. GGSoft

    Android Question SQLCipher 1.5 Obsolete files?

    In the post 'bout SQLCipher is stated that: V1.50 Based on SQLCipher v3.59 Supports targetSdkVersion 26. The icu.zip file is no longer required. You can delete it from the Files folder. It is no longer required to disable the debugger virtual assets feature. Remove this line...

    Android Question encryption with SQLCipher

    Hey guys :) I used this library to protect data Before the encryption, the database size was 104 MB, but after the encryption 98.2 MB. (The volume of the database was reduced to 6 MB).:D:D But After the release of the program, we see that the APK file size has changed from 22.5 MB to 104 MB...
  16. Duque

    Spanish SQLCipher Compatibilidad

    Amigos quiero implementar este SQLCipher en mi app, pero me surge una duda que android es compatible con SQLCipher, estuve haciendo pruebas en mi J7 android 6.0.1 y funciona perfectamente, pero que hay de android inferior o superior, Alguien con alguna experiencia ?
  17. mcqueccu

    Android Question sqlcipher Libutils.so not found in targetSdkVersion 26

    I have been getting libutils.so not found when testing my application with Motorola C PLus (Android 7 with targetSDKVersion of 26) My Samsung Galaxy Trend (Android 4.1.2) runs fine with the targetSDK of 26. How do i fix this. I launched an application to the playstore with targetSDKVersion of...