
  1. A

    Android Question Start the activity while the app in background

    Hi all. My app consumes a webservice and I'm using HTTPJob in foreground service. Based on the results given by this webservice I need to start different activities. For example if user's account has problems - start activity ProviderProblems, if all is Ok - start activity SelectClient. It...
  2. N

    Android Question CallSubDelayed doesn't start activity

    As far as I know CallSubDelayed should start the target module. In my case it doesn't. Does using callsubdelayed behaves differently when used inside a service? If IsPaused(activity)=true Then CallSubDelayed2(activity, "param", "value") End If
  3. M

    Android Question Android ugly glitches (White screen before loading layout and more)

    Hi everyone, i'm completing an app, but i really wish to solve those problems that i always had in these years using B4A. Glitch 1: I'm in Activity "A", i press a button to go to Activity "B". Before showing the Activity "B" layout there is this ugly white screen in between, and then the layout...
  4. A

    iOS Question (Solved) Startactivity in b4i

    Hi all. In B4A I have a code On each activity in my app there is a button Feedback. On click on this button on, for example Dashboard activity, my code is Main.PreviousScreen="Dashboard" StartActivity(Feedback) Then on Feedback on click SendFeedback button after feedback is sent my code is...
  5. M

    Android Question Very strange Error while using PhoneIntents.OpenBrowser(...) (drawer)

    Hi everyone, i've a CustomListView in a [b4x]Drawer, with some items. Each item has a Value, this value is a custom type called "ComunicationData" that contains several strings, like cd.Link When i click on the clv item, the sub "ItemClick" is fired and is this one: As you can see the code in...
  6. Mrphone

    Android Question StartActivity From Service (Android 10-9)

    hi everyone :) I use the StartActivity(....) command in the service. Works well on low Android, but does not work at all on high Android (9-10) and nothing happens What method should I use to start an activity? (Suitable for high Android)
  7. DeviousD

    Android Question B4A - No responsive and very Slow startup to Main Activity

    Hi Guys, Need a little assistance with an problem i have coded myself into. šŸ¤Æ APP was developed with 5 images to load to a quiz type page, showing an image and then the user selects the right answer, simple stuff. Got all the bugs and kinks all sorted as usual before implementing the...
  8. A

    Android Question makeClipRevealAnimation

    Hello, I want to use an animation between activities, using makeClipRevealAnimation. Unfortunately, Java and Android libs are real bullshit and totally beyond understanding... All I succeed to do is Dim jo As JavaObject jo.InitializeContext Dim ao As JavaObject =...
  9. M

    Android Question App in pause, when resumed go to MAIN activity instead of the current activity

    Hi everyone, i've an app with the Main activity used as Login form. When i user log in i wrote: StartActivity("Home") But if the user put the app in background and then opens it up from the homescreen (not from the recent apps) starts the Main activity instead of the Home activity (that is the...
  10. D

    Android Question Restarting an Activity

    My app requires me to restart an activity after a user generated parameter change. I have tried: StartActivity(MyActivity) But it gives me an error as it cannot find: MyActivity Any suggestions on how I can get the App to restart the activity?
  11. LucaMs

    Android Question CallSubDelayed to open an Activity

    I was convinced that by calling from a service a routine of an Activity currently not in Foreground, this Activity would be open. This happen-works only when a different Activity of the app is in Foreground (the app itself is in Foreground); if the app is paused, the call is added to a queue...