
  1. DALB

    B4J Question B4J sqlite SUM(column) : java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "String.trim()" because "in" is null

    Hello everyone. Just a thing: I wish to do a SUM of amounts in a table (column named 'montant': With this code... Dim va As Double=sql.ExecQuerySingleResult( _ ' "SELECT SUM(montant) FROM depenses WHERE idlieu = " & f ) where f is an id in a list ( 'Dim f As Int=li.Get(t)') appears...
  2. Yafuhenk

    B4J Question SOLVED B4XTable How to get the sum of all selected (searched) values in a column

    In the meantime I learnt that you can get the sum of a column in the B4XTable with Dim total As Double = B4XTable1.sql1.ExecQuerySingleResult($"SELECT sum(${Column.SQLID}) FROM data"$) But what if the user searched for a certain text. Do I have to work with the WHERE statement in the query or is...
  3. Yafuhenk

    B4J Question SOLVED B4XTable How to get the sum of all values in a column

    Does anyone know how I can get the sum of all values in a B4XTable column, so not only the ones that are visible? Thanks
  4. rafaelcamara

    Android Question Select sum() and total() rounding

    Hello friends I'm in trouble I'd like someone to help me. I'm running a sql query with select sum () and select total () in the sqlite database and the result is rounding to a smaller one. code: conect.db.BeginTransaction rs = conect.db.ExecQuery("Select total(Valor) as TotalTitulos, " & _...