
  1. B4J Question [SOLVED] Tesseract API - a $120 opotunity

    Hi. I have a budget of $ 120.00 for the first that can translate this http://tess4j.sourceforge.net/docs/docs-0.4/net/sourceforge/tess4j/Tesseract.html into a B4J (for windows) function like OCR(img as b4xbitmap) as string ' returns the text inside img I know it can be done with JNA, but i...
  2. Share My Creation Tesseract-clipboard: OCR images stored in clipboard

    Hi, I made a tesseract-ocr ui frontend, which will convert images stored in the clipboard into texts. Different from https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/screen-ocr-in-5-minutes-and-50-lines.90655/, my version is very simple. It utilizes the system's screencapture shortcut to store images...
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