
  1. benyamin

    Android Question TextRecognition based on MLKit fails

    Hello @Erel, TextRecognition based on MLKit is down. I left a few messages on the site, but unfortunately you didn't read them. It seems that Google made some changes that caused the B4A version to stop working. With the current sample, this log comes com.google.mlkit.common.MlKitException...
  2. benyamin

    Android Question Disabling TTS and Text Recognition based on ML Kit

    For the past few days, when I use the speech recognition feature from the TTS library, it only returns English, no matter which language I select. TextRecognition based on MLKit is also disabled. All prerequisite apps are up to date. Please check these things. All the code is correct and...
  3. DonManfred

    B4A Library Firebase ML-Vision (OnDevice Text-, Barcode-, Face-, Contour-Recognition and Imagelabeling)

    This is a wrap for the Firebase ML-Vision live detection of - Text - Barcodes - Faces - Facontour - and Imagelabeling. New in V0.8 - Support for Cloudregocnition FirebaseML Author: DonManfred Version: 0.8 CameraSourcePreview Functions: BringToFront DesignerCreateView (base As Panel, lw As...