
  1. mohsen programmer

    Android Question Adjust the size of the EditText text

    Hello, What is the standard way to make the size of the text inside the edit text match the height of the edit text so that it doesn't stick out? EditText1.TextSize=40 Now, in tablets, the text inside the edit text may be fit, but in the phones, it pops out from the top and bottom! Thank you for...
  2. DALB

    Android Question Changing TextSize in ListView doesn't work !

    Hello, Always tiny things but big worry regarding to areas with this code lsvCartes.TwoLinesLayout.Label.TextSize=10 the textsize of the listview doesn't change whatever the textsize can be. How to solve this ? Thank you
  3. A0_2_A7

    Android Question How to change text size in B4Xtable? (Solved)

    Hello, I am trying to change the text size in a B4Xtable and I do not know how to do it. B4XTable1.mBase.TextSize = 10 Error occurred on line: 1350 (Info) java.lang.RuntimeException: Type does not match (class anywheresoftware.b4a.BALayout) at...
  4. Alexander Stolte

    B4A Class [B4X] [XUI] AutoTextSizeLabel

    It is not recommented to use this class in B4J, the textsize is resetting without reasons... this class is based on the Original Class from @Erel. It works on B4A, B4I and B4J. I tested it with B4A and B4I. Notes: -XUI is needed Change log: - V1.0 Release - V1.1 Add RefreshView Add...
  5. LucaMs

    Other Klaus' SetTextSize snippet

    I tried Klaus' SetTextSize code snippet and, on two EditTexts 40dip and 45dip high (Designer + AutoScaleAll), the text become too high. I think this is due to the fact that the routine does not take into account the upper and lower padding plus an invisible space of the EditText. Using the...