
  1. H

    Android Question BLE2 Library restricted to Service-UUID 6e400001-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e ?

    For testing I am using private UUIDs on the my server device: Service: c24995d4-0a48-41ec-b9c0-4c3488041ffa Characteristic1: 516e4a32-562b-4378-9ade-f64252fb5854 Characteristic2: d9bcf8c4-1d56-43ab-91a1-d82d7f52ef5f Characteristic3: 4fa4cc32-e3c4-4c8c-89e4-3c7b2b116403 On the 'nRF Connect' tool...
  2. Android Code Snippet [B4X] UUID version 4 Generator

    Extracted from this Thread: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/guid-vs-uuid-can-i-use-guid-as-uuid.110970/#post-692302 Sub UUIDv4 As String Dim sb As StringBuilder sb.Initialize For Each stp As Int In Array(8, 4, 4, 4, 12) If sb.Length > 0 Then sb.Append("-") For n...
  3. Android Question GUID vs UUID - Can I use GUID as UUID?

    I was calling an API which requires UUID version 4 to set as one of the headers. I decided to use this website ( https://www.uuidgenerator.net/ ) API to generate the UUID which works fine. Later, I started looking for ways to generate the UUID v4 internally in the app so I came across this...
  4. B4J Question Problem using UUID parameter in PostgreSQL SQL statement

    I have a PostgreSQL SQL statement like: private SqlStr as String EmployeeId = "ef8ba4b3-7898-4240-aa8f-a0586ed04fb7" SqlStr = "select * from employee where employee_id=?" Params = Array As Object(EmployeeId) rs = SQL.ExecQuery2(SqlStr, Params) This will throw an exception...
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