
  1. optionexplicit

    Bug? Short Vibration not working anymore on Android 15 (Pixel 8 Pro) when haptic feedback is off and duration short

    When the vibration duration is short and the haptic feedback is switched off, the app cant vibrate anymore. we need an option to: regain previous behaviour to make short vibrates even if haptic feedback is off (per app setting) or we need an option to enable haptic feedback as long as app is in...
  2. M

    iOS Code Snippet Play SystemSounds (and Vibration)

    Hi, i found this post on the forum from @aeric I slightly modified it to play every sound you want from the systemsounds of iOS, by passing the ID. The id list can be found here: iOSSystemSoundsLibrary Sub PlaySystemSound(id As Int) Dim NativeMe As NativeObject = Me...
  3. Guenter Becker

    B4A Library BeeperDeLuxe - UPDATE 2025

    Version: 2.0 ------------------------ TD_BeeperDeLuxe Features: sound a beep tone vibrate the phone sound and vibrate sound intermitting alarmtone Properties: (Beeper)Duration (Miöllsecond) the duration of the sound. Freq the frequency of the beep Alarmduration duration in Millisconds. To...