
  1. U

    Android Question String Values Going Empty! Web Service(SOAP)

    Hello there, I am connecting to web service with SOAP using KSOAP2 library. I'm currently having a problem that I can't get out of for the user login section. When I send data via **** POST, it returns "successful" as 'result'. However, when I test the web service with SOAP, the email or...
  2. Android Question [CLOSE]B4XTable ERROR when SetData

    Hi, I have a strange error when I try to feed the table, I simply get data from an API and insert it in a table but it returns an error that I have no idea what it means, since I do not use SQLite. Error occurred on line: 601 (B4XTable) android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: near ")": syntax...
  3. Spanish [RESUELTO] OkHTTPUtils2 - MySQL Bloqueante

    Hola, tengo un problema es que no alcanzo a comprender del todo como "Bloquear" una petición HTTP por que utilizo Wait For (Resumable). Miren el caso: Selecciono mis elementos de mi base de datos local, y luego envío los datos a una API pero no se envían de forma apropiada por que, como es un...
  4. Spanish [RESUELTO] PARSEAR JSON desde WS

    Hola, estoy aprendiendo acerca de B4A con OkHTTPUtilis2, tengo un Web Service que me devuelve el siguiente Objeto: {"users":[{"id_usuario":1,"usuario":"Sistemas","password":"12345678"},{"id_usuario":2,"usuario":"Desarrollo","password":"12345678"}]} Lo que quiero es parsearlo para...
  5. Spanish App-->SMF Alguna idea...

    Hola a todos: Estoy empezando a full con B4X... ya hice 3 cursos, y la verdad es que vá de pelos !!... Y en cuanto al pedido este, nunca me animé a registrarme y pedir ayuda... No sé, como que pensé que no me darían mucha bola... (perdón por la expresión :) ) Dispongo de un foro, hecho en php...
  6. A

    Android Question Problem with Api rest, Json, Put.

    Hello, I have a problem I need to send a json with the put method to an api. The json is: { "person" : { "User" : "Rodrigo", "Pass" : "xx123" }, "answers" : [ { "NmbItem" : "Item 1", "DscItem" : "Descripción del item 1", "QtyItem"...
  7. Android Question Webservices and datatable asp.net

    Hello I need to read the response of a webservices that provides data in a datatable The webservices is called correctly but I do not know how to read the data contained in the datatable.
  8. B4J Question Configuring TLS/SSL ciphers for Jetty web server

    I'm running a web server written in B4J using the Jetty service. I have configured it for HTTPS access, so I've run https://www.ssllabs.com test to check the quality of the TLS protocol. The TLS certificate looks good, but the server rates as "B" quality due to a couple of things: This server...
  9. C

    iOS Question Posting a login request to ASP.Net Web API

    I am stuck on a login request to web API. So the process is simple I have to send “username”, “password” and “grant_type” to the server along with the two headers “Accept” and “Content-Type”. If the user is valid my app will receive the following response from the server: { "access_token"...
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