xui view

  1. J

    Android Question [B4X] Input dialogs with XUI Views - hide OK/Canel panel

    Hello, I'm trying to replace the standard OK/Cancel buttons of a dialog. dialog.ShowCustom(dlgDone, "", "", "") hides the standard buttons, but it seems to have a panel at the bottom, which covers part of my panel. Is there a way to get the dialog shown without it?
  2. AmirMK82

    B4A Library [B4X] [XUI Views] - AMCompassView

    A new CompassView for B4A & B4J Features Cross-platform compatible A nice gauge animation Changeable values Custom Colors Custom Border And CornerRadius Will Give you a good experience ;) Tested in B4A B4J * I don't have tested it with B4I, but it should work * I made this with the help of...
  3. R

    Android Question XUI Views ShowTemplate DateTemplate Option not to close the dialog

    Would it be possible to add to this library the option to pass an argument to ShowTemplate that if picked wouldn't close the dialog. I know I can open the dialog and alter anything I want, but I would like to keep it as a library. The idea is for the DateTemplate to have a button that if clicked...