B4J Question ABMaterial - Sidebar Database Lookup


I am looking at ABMaterial.

There was a post regarding using a sidebar to do look up and adding the selected item to a table.

Is there an code example of how this is done. I understand that you do not want to pass every keystroke to the server.

My intent is to do a inventory lookup by either entering a item code or using a barcode scanner to look the inventory.
If there is only one item it would automatically be added to the table.
If there are multiple items. I would like to have a list where the user could select the desired item.

This would also be used for customer lookup. Enter a few characters of the customer name. And it would present the user with a list of matching customers.


Is there a way to do a drag/drop to reorder the order of table items. My thought is with a list of inventory items it would be nice to be able to reorder the item.
Of course save the revised sort order to the database.

Any help or insights would be greatly appreciated.
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