Wish Add the ability to create color palette


It would be great to be able to create a color palette, as we set the colors of our app in the designer.
This would avoid having to set again and again each color every time we need to use it, as it is a bit annoying.
Below I post an suggestive image of what the color chooser could look like with the new feature (I know you can mke it better).

This way, we can preselect our app's color and apply them whenever we need to. We could right click on a color and choose "delete" to delete it from the palette.

Well, maybe there's a possibility that I don't know how to best use the color chooser.

Thank you, for your attention!


As of now I use copy the color value from one layout view and paste at another view.
I use to do the same thing, but it requires switching to another view, looking for the color property, copying the color and then going back to the view we were working on. This always adds a few extra seconds to our working time.
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