ads vs promoting personal stuff


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I've been wondering about the following...

A lot of companies include banners or splash screens to promote their other games.

If they offer an ad remover will that also remove their personal "advertising/promoting" ?

Or only the interstitial during the gameplay?

If someone bought the ad remover they will never know about your other games if you disable that aswell.

I know some people use a more games button but it doesn't attract when new stuff is around.
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It's a good idea.
At the moment I've released only one game. But when I launch my second one I'm thinking about updating my catapult game, so that at app launch it shows a big advice with "new game released!". If I have a user base of , lets say, 2000 players, I think it could be a great way to promote the new game.
And before showing the ad check if the user has allready intalled the game, you don't want to show it if user has allready downloaded it.
And (just thinking), maybe you can offer an "incentivized" install. Something like "download new game and earn 20000 coins!". You can check if user has installed it to give the reward.


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well the question remains :)

should we disable these personal ads when someone bought an ad remover?


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Ad remover should remove all ads including your in house ads. Users buy ad remover because they don't want to see ads anymore.