Android Question ArchiverPlus use of constant ZIP_COMP_STORE


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Hi everyone,

im using ArchiverPlus from @Informatix for compressing a file of about 200MB, it takes about 5min with arc.ZipCompressionLevel=1, but if set arc.ZipCompression=False and not setting ZipCompressionLevel the file is compressing and taking long.

Library info says ZipCompression: Get or sets whether the files are compressed (true) or stored (false). setting to false still compressing file.

If i use a File explorer and compress the same folder to zip in STORE mode it takes only 1 second to ZIP it, the thing is the arc.ZipCompression=False is doing nothing.
Then i found a arc.ZIP_COMP_STORE constant but there is no function to set in, there is also more COMPRESSION constants: arc.ZIP_COMP_DEFLATE, arc.ZIP_COMP_AES_ENC, i searched in forum for Documentation of the library, no luck.

arc.ZipCompression only accepts True or False.

Help are very appreciated.
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