B4J Library [BANano] BANanoFontLibraries - FontAwesome, Roboto, MaterialDesignIcons etc for LocalHosting


In case you want to host your fonts locally, here are the font libraries.


Download and copy the library of interest to your external libraries folder.
Reference the library with your BANano library.
Use the class names as per font to build your icons, use in app etc.

BANanoFontAwesome for more details and usage visit, https://fontawesome.com/

BANanoMaterialDesignIcons for more details and usage visit, https://materialdesignicons.com/

BANanoRoboto for more details and usage visit, https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Roboto

BANanoThemify for more details and usage visit, https://themify.me/themify-icons

NB: It is better and recommended to use resources hosted via CDN for web development. This is just for those cases you want to host your resources. These fill be references from the assets folder of your web app.

Enjoy and have fun.

PS: Source code is available from this link, https://github.com/Mashiane/BANanoVuetifyAD3/tree/main/Extensions
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