B4J Library [BANano] BANanoOrderedMap


Just took some stuff out of B4XCollections so I can use with BANano. Hope its helpful to someone. Just create a class and copy the code.

Sub Class_Globals
    Private xmap As Map
    Private xlist As List
End Sub

Public Sub Initialize
End Sub

'Puts a key / value pair to the map. If the key already exists the new value replaces the previous one (and the order doesn't change).
Public Sub Put (Key As Object, Value As Object)
    If xmap.ContainsKey(Key) = False Then
    End If
    xmap.Put(Key, Value)
End Sub

'Removes a pair from the map. This is an O(n) operation.
Public Sub Remove (Key As Object)
    If xmap.ContainsKey(Key) = False Then Return
End Sub

'Clears the map.
Public Sub Clear
End Sub

'Returns the keys as a list. You can sort this list to change the order.
Public Sub getKeys As List
    Return xlist
End Sub

'Gets the value mapped to the key.
Public Sub Get (Key As Object) As Object
    Return xmap.Get(Key)
End Sub

'Gets the value mapped to the key. Returns the passed DefaultValue is no such key exists.
Public Sub GetDefault (Key As Object, DefaultValue As Object) As Object
    Return xmap.GetDefault(Key, DefaultValue)
End Sub
'Tests whether the map contains the key.
Public Sub ContainsKey (Key As Object) As Boolean
    Return xmap.ContainsKey(Key)
End Sub

'Returns the map size.
Public Sub getSize As Int
    Return xmap.Size
End Sub

'Returns a (copied) list of the collection values.
Public Sub getValues As List
    Dim res As List
    For Each key As Object In xlist
    Return res
End Sub

'Returns an object that can be serialized with B4XSerializator.
Public Sub GetDataForSerializator As Object
    Return Array(xmap, xlist)
End Sub

'Sets the map data from a deserialized object.
Public Sub SetDataFromSerializator (Data As Object)
    Dim o() As Object = Data
    xmap = o(0)
    xlist = o(1)
End Sub

public Sub GetKeyAt(idx As Int) As Object
    Dim s As Int = getSize - 1
    If idx >= 0 And idx <= s Then
        Dim itemKey As Object = xlist.Get(idx)
        Return itemKey
        Return Null
    End If
End Sub

public Sub GetValueAt(idx As Int) As Object
    Dim s As Int = getSize - 1
    If idx >= 0 And idx <= s Then
        Dim itemKey As Object = xlist.Get(idx)
        Dim item As Object = xmap.Get(itemKey)
        Return item
        Return Null
    End If
End Sub


Licensed User
Longtime User
Ok, just found this code, https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...get-first-item-nth-item-and-last-item.118642/

Here is the one to include above.

Sub getFirst As Object
    'first item
    Dim key As String = getKeys.Get(0) 'key type can be different
    Dim value As Object = Get(key)
    Return value
End Sub

Sub getNth(n As Int) As Object    
    'nth item
    Dim key As String = getKeys.Get(n)
    Dim value As Object = Get(key)
    Return value
End Sub

Sub getLast As Object
    'last item
    Dim key As String = getKeys.Get(getSize - 1)
    Dim value As Object = Get(key)
    Return value
End Sub