{Closed} Need help creating up-to-date jni files for Telegrams TDLib


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i did a Wrap for a Telegram-Bot for B4J in the past Weeks. It does work.

But then i found an Announcement from Telegram promoting a Library to use. The TDLib.
There is a premade zip with the native .so files available.
But the content seems to be 2 years old.

The TDLib is Open Source and available at Github.

I´m not familar with C++ and their Buildtools like cmake and so on.

There is a description on how to build the Code to a native .so

I also found this info if that may help (i´m posting it at it mentions CMake.
Using in Java projects
TDLib provides native Java interface through JNI. To enable it, specify option -DTD_ENABLE_JNI=ON to CMake.

See example/java for example of using TDLib from Java and detailed build and usage instructions.

May i ask if there is someone who is able to do the following Job:
- create a uptodate armeabi-v7a and x86 .so-files for the TDLib using the needed Buildtools.
To be congrete: armeabi-v7a\libtdjni.so and x86\libtdjni.so

That´s it basically. I just need to have uptodate jni files to be able to use the uptodate example code to use it. Honestly: this is my hope that this is the problem i

I´ll write a wrapper to use it then (i´m already doing it using the 2years old .so files. BUT the Authentification has changed in the meantime so i only can run in Testmode as of now....).

My plan is to create a Library so everyone could create a TelegramClient then in Future.

Please give me your quote.
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