ComboBox text input


Licensed User
B4PPC Help states "ComboBox does not support the Text property and the user cannot write anything inside a ComboBox".

I wish this were true. I can overwrite any selected item in the combobox with other text. Then when I try to read the combobox, eg. combo1.Item(combo1.SelectedIndex), I get an error about a bad Index -1 value.

So it appears I need to handle and dispose of the user entered text in the combobox.

I'm not sure of the best way to handle this situation. Anyone have a suggestion??


Licensed User
Figured it out

Well after I thought about it some more, I figured it out...

Sub combo1_LostFocus
If combo1.SelectedIndex = -1 then combo1.SelectedIndex = 0
End Sub

Wasn't as difficult as I was making it out to be. Guess I was just surprised that you could enter text at all when the Help said "user cannot write ..." (should be "user should not write...")
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