B4J Library [Custom View] RichViewfx CodeArea


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Hi stevel05
thanks for your job.
Why the your example program crash a this line in CodeArea.bas?

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org$fxmisc$richtext$StyleSpansBuilder

The latest version downloaded of richtextfx is richtextfx-fat-0.82.jar


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What version of Java are you using? There might be compatible issues because of Java v9.0.1. It should probably work with an earlier version.


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Ok then that's not the problem. I used Steve05's CodeArea up to the version before Java 9.0.1 it worked fine before that. It might have been something else that caused my previous project to stop working so I rewrote the whole project again. I'm using a TextArea for my B4J project Athena that I posted in Share my creations.
You might want to ask Steve05 and he might take a look at it himself. If he's not too busy.


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it works this way

#AdditionalJar: richtextfx-fat-0.9.0

in CodeArea.bas
Dim SpansBuilder As JavaObject


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Because the underlying library has changed. As Alien hunter as said, the class is now "org.fxmisc.richtext.model.StyleSpansBuilder"

I will update the lib when I get a chance.


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hi, i am trying to run the example from post #1 but i get an error. i looked for the richtextfx-0.9.0.jar file on the guthub but it seems like it was updated to richtextfx-0.9.2.jar and now the b4j lib is not working.

any plans to update the lib?

thanx, ilan




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Hi Ilan I will take a look, but as it may take a while, I've added a link to the 0.8.2 jar on my dropbox to the first post so that you can use it now.



Licensed User
Hi, I am trying to switch from using TextArea to CodeArea to take advantage of highlighting of text. With TextArea I was able to resize when the main layout window resizes using .PrefWidth = MainLayoutForm.Width - x, and .PrefHeight = MainLayoutForm.Height - y. With CodeArea I tried doing .setup(MainLayoutForm, Null, 0, 400, MainLayoutForm.Width - x, MainLayoutForm.Height-y) which resizes the control initially when app starts, but while the window/main layout resizes, it doesn't seem to be resizing in MainLayoutForm_Resize event sub.

Can someone please give some pointers? Thanks a lot.


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From Alejandro Moyano's question, for those wanting to run Richviewfx on java > 8 you will need to add these lines to your project.

#VirtualMachineArgs: --add-opens javafx.graphics/javafx.scene.text=ALL-UNNAMED  --add-exports javafx.graphics/com.sun.javafx.text=ALL-UNNAMED
#PackagerProperty: VMArgs = --add-opens javafx.graphics/javafx.scene.text=b4j --add-exports javafx.graphics/com.sun.javafx.text=b4j
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