B4R Code Snippet [ESP32] OTA update from server via WiFi only

1. For OTA update of ESP32 firmware - only single .bin file is needed (not all partitions): "src.ino.bin"
2. If to save it into a web-server as, say, "update.bin", we can make the update:
#Region Project Attributes
    #AutoFlushLogs: True
    #CheckArrayBounds: True
    #StackBufferSize: 10000
#End Region

   'Ctrl + click to merge binaries into merged-flash.bin: ide://run?file=%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp32\tools\esptool_py\4.5.1\esptool.exe&args=--chip&args=ESP32&args=merge_bin&args=-o&args=..\Objects\bin\merged-flash.bin&args=--flash_mode&args=dio&args=--flash_size&args=4MB&args=0x1000&args=..\Objects\bin\src.ino.bootloader.bin&args=0x8000&args=..\Objects\bin\src.ino.partitions.bin&args=0x10000&args=..\Objects\bin\src.ino.bin
   'Ctrl + click to flash into ESP32 board: ide://run?file=%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp32\tools\esptool_py\4.5.1\esptool.exe&args=--chip&args=ESP32&args=--baud&args=921600&args=write_flash&args=0x0&args=..\Objects\bin\merged-flash.bin

Sub Process_Globals
    Public Serial1 As Serial
    Private wifi As ESP8266WiFi
    Private bc As ByteConverter
    Private FullPath(200) As Byte
    Private timFlashing As Timer
End Sub

Private Sub AppStart
    timFlashing.Initialize("timFlashing_Tick", 10000)
    Log("Connecting to WiFi...")
    If wifi.Connect2("wifissid","password") Then
        Log("Connected to wireless network.")
        Log("My ip: ", wifi.LocalIp)
        timFlashing.Enabled = True
        Log("Failed to connect...")
    End If

End Sub

Sub timFlashing_Tick
    timFlashing.Enabled = False
    RunNative("updateFIRMWARE", Null)    'timer due to the bin file can be broken after downloading
    timFlashing.Enabled = True    'if not updated and not rebooted - next try
End Sub

#if C
#include <Update.h>
#include "HTTPClient.h"

HTTPClient http;

int updateFIRMWARE(B4R::Object* o)
  int httpCode = http.GET();
  if (httpCode <= 0) {
    //Error HTTP failed
    printf("[HTTP] GET... failed, error: %s\n", http.errorToString(httpCode).c_str());
    return 0;
  int contentLen = http.getSize();
  bool canBegin = Update.begin(contentLen);
  if (!canBegin) {
    // Error, not enough space for the new binary.
    printf("Error, not enough space for the new binary: %i\n", contentLen);
    return 0;
  int len = http.getSize();
  printf("Downloading: file should be %i\n", len);
  WiFiClient* client = http.getStreamPtr();
  size_t written = Update.writeStream(*client);
  if (written != contentLen) {
    // Error, wrote partial binary.
    printf("Download is corrupted: %i\n", written);
    return 0;
  if (!Update.end()) {
    // Error from Update.end()
    printf("Error from Update.end");
    return 0;
  if (Update.isFinished()) {
   // Update successfully completed. Reboot to apply update.
   printf("Update successfully completed !");
   return 1;
  } else {
    // Error from Update.isFinished()
    printf("Error from Update.isFinished");
    return 0;
#End If

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Gerardo Tenreiro

Active Member
Licensed User
I am using the update and it works fine for me, but I would like to display some information about the update on the screen, such as the percentage, would it be possible?
Thank you very much and very good job you are doing.


Licensed User
Longtime User
No idea, try to investigate how to download file with events along...

Gerardo Tenreiro

Active Member
Licensed User
Thank you, I am looking for information but I cannot find a solution, the update works correctly but since the process is long it would be very convenient to be able to present information.
Keep searching.
Thank you so much
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