I am quite new to B4A so I have not the great insight into what libraries there are and what they do.
My next projekt in b4a is to make a player map program for D&D.
The pjoekt will be like this.
A jpg picture is provided with the map. This could also be taken with the device camera.
On this picture a masken i placed. On the display the players wil only see the picture where the mask is cleared. Where the mask is not cleared the display is black.
Så I need to be able to clear pixels in the mask.
Anybody who could guide me in the right direction?
Put the picture on a panel.
put a black panel on top.
draw (using canvas) on the black panel with colors.argb(0,x,y,z) - (the first parameter is alfa, the rest is not important - this is transparent)
to color a pixel - draw lines from a pixel to the next, or a circle with radius 1.