B4R Question How to assign a value inline c/c++


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I am sending data to cloud server by using esp8266. For sending data to cloud server I am using inline c. It is sending the data successsfully.

#if C
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiClient.h>
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
#include <ESP8266HTTPClient.h>
void setup(B4R::Object* o){
const char *host = "http://mypage.com";
void read (B4R::Object* o) {
    HTTPClient http;    //Declare object of class HTTPClient
    String temperature, humidity, getData, Link;
    //String getData, Link;
    temperature="77.77";   <--- Here I hardcoded the value
    humidity="99.99";  <----Here I hardcoded the value

  //GET Data
  getData = "?temperature=" + temperature + "&humidity=" + humidity ;  //Note "?" added at front
  Link = "http://mypage.com/addTemperature.php" + getData;
  http.begin(Link);     //Specify request destination
  int httpCode = http.GET();            //Send the request
  String payload = http.getString();    //Get the response payload

  Serial.println(httpCode);   //Print HTTP return code
  Serial.println(payload);    //Print request response payload

  http.end();  //Close connection
#End if

How to assign the value at the variable Temperature and humidity in inline C/C++???, I received from AsyncStream from Arduino.

Below I am receiving data from Arduino to ESP8266 end....
Public Astream As AsyncStreams
Private ser As B4RSerializator
Private BE(20) As Object

Private Sub Arduino_Received_Data(buffer() As Byte)
Log("Humid from Ardiono :",BE(0))
Log("Temp from Arduino :",BE(1))
Log("Length of Buffer Array : ", buffer.Length)
End Sub


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I checked your answer and will implement it asap as I feel the httpjob will more easy to implement.

Meantime this is a different approach I followed, and I facing issue on that. Please advice how to fix the same...
I facing the error like below
b4r_main.cpp:40: error: 'temperaturetosend' was not declared in this scope
   getData = "?temperature=" + temperaturetosend + "&humidity=" + humiditytosend ; 
b4r_main.cpp:40: error: 'humiditytosend' was not declared in this scope
   getData = "?temperature=" + temperaturetosend + "&humidity=" + humiditytosend ; 
exit status 1
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I have fixed some of the issues. But only thing is float conversion is not happening...

b4r_main.cpp:42: error: invalid operands of types 'const char [14]' and 'float' to binary 'operator+'
   getData = "?temperature=" + temperature + "&humidity=" + humidity;

Here I have declared variables at B4R
Public humiditytosend,temperaturetosend As Float
Private Sub Arduino_Received_Data(buffer() As Byte)
End Sub

#if C
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiClient.h>
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
#include <ESP8266HTTPClient.h>
float temperature=b4r_main::_temperaturetosend;
float humidity=b4r_main::_humiditytosend;

Am I doing any mistake?please advice
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