B4R Question IR send and receive

Lee Ingram

Licensed User
Longtime User
I am back after sever years. Forgot a lot.
i just want try this simple code.

Main - 13: Unknown type: irsend
Are you missing a library reference?
Unknown type: irsend
Sub Process_Globals

    Public Serial1 As Serial

    Private irsend As IrSend

    Private timer1 As Timer

End Sub

Private Sub AppStart



    irsend.Enable(38) 'frequency = 38khz

    timer1.Initialize("timer1_Tick", 500)

    timer1.Enabled = True

End Sub

Sub Timer1_Tick

    Dim m As UInt = Bit.And(Millis, 0xfff) 'get 12 bits

    Log("sending: ", m)

    irsend.SendRC5(m, 12)

End Sub

Johan Schoeman

Licensed User
Longtime User
Check If rIRremote is in the libs tab of your b4r IDE and click on it to enable it. If it is not there then find it in the B4R library forum, download it, and add it to your additional library folder
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Lee Ingram

Licensed User
Longtime User
Check If rIRremote is in the libs tab of your b4r IDE and click on it to enable it. If it is not there then find it in the B4R library forum, download it, and add it to your additional library folder
WOW, thank you. I have been putting the library files in a wrong place.
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