B4J Library jProxyVole

This library provides some proxy setting search strategies to read the proxy settings from the system config (Windows, KDE, Gnome, OSX), browser config (Firefox, IE) or environment variables and provides you a ready to use proxy selector. Automation scripts (PAC) and authentication are supported.

It's a wrapper around this code: https://github.com/MarkusBernhardt/proxy-vole
The source is included.

It requires this additional library: http://search.maven.org/remoteconte....3/proxy-vole-1.0.3-jar-with-dependencies.jar

Example of use:
Dim PV As ProxyVole
Dim PSch As ProxySearch = PV.DefaultProxySearch
Dim PSel As ProxySelector = PSch.ProxySelector
If PSel.IsInitialized Then
    PV.DefaultProxySelector = PSel
End If


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