B4J Code Snippet jShell and 7-Zip to list contents and decompress gz (gzip) archive files

I use jShell and 7-Zip to unpack/decompress gz (gzip) files in a B4J UI app.
7-Zip supports also 7z, xz, lzma, cab, zip, bzip2 and tar formats.

About jShell library:

About 7-Zip stand-alone tool:
Go to https://www.7-zip.org/download.html , download the 7-Zip Extra standalone console version (for instance '7z1900-extra.7z' for version 19.00), and decompress it on your computer.
Copy '7za.exe' file to 'Objects' directory in your B4J project directory (where the compiled JAR file is generated).
If you want to embed the 7-Zip tool in the compiled JAR file, see more information at the end of this post.

7-Zip Help documentation:
Download the desktop version of 7-Zip (for instance '7z1900-x64.exe' for 64-bit Windows), and launch it on your computer in order to install it.
Open Windows Start menu > 7-Zip > 7-Zip Help, and choose 'Command Line Version' Chapter.
There you will find information about all commands, switches and exit codes.

B4J code to see the list of compressed files in the .gz archive:

Sub btnChooseGzFile_Click
    '[...] For instance dialog box to choose GZ file
    ' .gz file path including file name
    Dim sFilePathName As String = "C:\xxx\yyyy.gz"
    Dim sh As Shell
    ' Shell/7-Zip command:
    ' - "sh": Event name, used later in "sh_ProcessCompleted" to read output
    ' - "cmd": Windows command interpreter to be run by Shell
    ' - "/c": Run a command or executable program
    ' - "7za.exe": Stand-alone 7-Zip program
    ' - "l": (Command) List contents of archive
    ' - "-slt": (Switch) Show technical information. Optional.
    ' - sFilePathName: File path including file name
    sh.Initialize("sh", "cmd", Array As String("/c", "7za.exe", "l", "-slt", sFilePathName))
    ' Directory containing '7za.exe'
    sh.WorkingDirectory = File.DirApp  ' Same directory as the compiled JAR file
    ' Start the process
    ' Wait for the process to be completed, and read outputs
    ' "sh" in "sh_ProcessCompleted" must be the Event name defined in sh.Initialize("sh", ...)
    Wait For sh_ProcessCompleted (Success As Boolean, ExitCode As Int, StdOut As String, StdErr As String)
    Log("sh_ProcessCompleted [00505_1201]. Success: " & Success)
    Log("sh_ProcessCompleted [00505_1202]. ExitCode: " & ExitCode)
    Log("sh_ProcessCompleted [00505_1203]. StdOut: " & StdOut)
    Log("sh_ProcessCompleted [00505_1204]. StdErr: " & StdErr)
    'If Success = False Or ExitCode <> 0 Then Return
End Sub

Example of output in log pane, if the 7-Zip command does not contain "-slt" option:

1: 15:29:43.826: sh_ProcessCompleted [00505_1201]. Success: true
2: 15:29:43.834: sh_ProcessCompleted [00505_1202]. ExitCode: 0
3: 15:29:43.839: sh_ProcessCompleted [00505_1203]. StdOut:
7-Zip (a) 19.00 (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2018 Igor Pavlov : 2019-02-21

Scanning the drive for archives:
1 file, 253 bytes (1 KiB)
Listing archive: C:\xxx\yyyy.gz
Path = C:\xxx\yyyy.gz
Type = gzip
Headers Size = 40
Date Time Attr Size Compressed Name
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------ ------------------------
2020-03-08 07:25:17 ..... 276 253 zzzzz.zzz
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------ ------------------------
2020-03-08 07:25:17 276 253 1 files

4: 15:29:43.918: sh_ProcessCompleted [00505_1204]. StdErr:

Example of output in log pane, if the 7-Zip command contains "-slt" option:

1: 15:32:33.607: sh_ProcessCompleted [00505_1201]. Success: true
2: 15:32:33.611: sh_ProcessCompleted [00505_1202]. ExitCode: 0
3: 15:32:33.616: sh_ProcessCompleted [00505_1203]. StdOut:
7-Zip (a) 19.00 (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2018 Igor Pavlov : 2019-02-21

Scanning the drive for archives:
1 file, 253 bytes (1 KiB)
Listing archive: C:\xxx\yyyy.gz
Path = C:\xxx\yyyy.gz
Type = gzip
Headers Size = 40
Path = zzzzz.zzz
Size = 276
Packed Size = 253
Modified = 2020-03-08 07:25:17
Host OS = 255
CRC = 07501AC0

4: 15:32:33.622: sh_ProcessCompleted [00505_1204]. StdErr:

You may parse the StdOut string in order to extract some useful information.

B4J code to decompress the .gz archive:

Sub btnChooseGzFile_Click
    ' Directory where to put decompressed files
    Dim sDirPath As String = "C:\xxx\"
    ' 7-Zip command:
    ' - "x": (Command) Extract with full paths
    ' - sFilePathName: File path including file name
    ' -    "-aoa": (Switch) Overwrite All existing files without prompt
    '   or "-aos": Skip extracting of existing files
    '   or "-aou": aUto rename extracting file (for example, name.txt will be renamed to name_1.txt)
    '   or "-aot": auto rename existing file (for example, name.txt will be renamed to name_1.txt)
    ' - "-o" & sDirPath: (Switch) Set output directory
    sh.Initialize("sh", "cmd", Array As String("/c", "7za.exe", "x", sFilePathName, "-aot", "-o" & sDirPath))
    sh.WorkingDirectory = File.DirApp
    Wait For sh_ProcessCompleted (Success As Boolean, ExitCode As Int, StdOut As String, StdErr As String)
    Log("sh_ProcessCompleted [00505_1206]. Success: " & Success)
    Log("sh_ProcessCompleted [00505_1207]. ExitCode: " & ExitCode)
    Log("sh_ProcessCompleted [00505_1208]. StdOut: " & StdOut)
    Log("sh_ProcessCompleted [00505_1209]. StdErr: " & StdErr)
    'If Success = False Or ExitCode <> 0 Then Return
End Sub

Example of output in log pane:

1: 18:04:16.402: sh_ProcessCompleted [00505_1206]. Success: true
2: 18:04:16.407: sh_ProcessCompleted [00505_1207]. ExitCode: 0
3: 18:04:16.412: sh_ProcessCompleted [00505_1208]. StdOut:
7-Zip (a) 19.00 (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2018 Igor Pavlov : 2019-02-21

Scanning the drive for archives:
1 file, 253 bytes (1 KiB)
Extracting archive: C:\xxx\yyyy.gz
Path = C:\xxx\yyyy.gz
Type = gzip
Headers Size = 40
Everything is Ok
Size: 276
Compressed: 253

4: 18:04:16.418: sh_ProcessCompleted [00505_1209]. StdErr:

7-Zip tool embedded in compiled JAR file:

If you want to distribute your JAR file, there are two solutions:

1. Send the '7za.exe' file in addition to the compiled JAR file.
The user must put both files in the same directory.

2. Embed/include the '7za.exe' file in the compiled JAR file.

Procedure if you want to embed '7za.exe' in the JAR file:
Copy '7za.exe' file to 'Files' directory in your B4J project directory.
In your B4J project window, click on 'Files' pane, click on 'Synchronize'.
The '7za.exe' file will be included in the JAR file during compilation.
In the B4J code, add following lines:

Sub Process_Globals
    ' NB: Following lines are only necessary if you want to embed '7za.exe' in the compiled JAR file
    ' Customize the name of DirData directory on computer
    Dim sDirDataName As String = "Raphael_B4J"
End Sub

Sub AppStart (Form1 As Form, Args() As String)
    ' NB: Following lines are only necessary if you want to embed '7za.exe' in the compiled JAR file
    ' Copy '7za.exe' from the JAR file to DirData directory on computer
    'File.Copy(File.DirAssets, "7za.exe", File.DirData(sDirDataName), "7za.exe")
    If File.Exists(File.DirData(sDirDataName), "7za.exe") = False Then
        File.Copy(File.DirAssets, "7za.exe", File.DirData(sDirDataName), "7za.exe")
    End If
End Sub

In the rest of the code, replace

    sh.WorkingDirectory = File.DirApp  ' Same directory as the compiled JAR file


    sh.WorkingDirectory = File.DirData(sDirDataName)  ' '7za.exe' embedded in JAR file and copied to DirData

In that way '7za.exe' will be embedded in the JAR file during compilation, and it will be extracted/copied from the JAR file to File.DirData when you start the app.

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