Library from Eclipse Project for Tablet with CCD Barcode Scanner


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We import industrial tablets from China that have built-in CCD Barcode Scanners and RFID Readers.

Most of them have software built-in to the OS so that when you press the Scan button it scans the Barcode or RFID tag and sends the data to whatever program has focus at the time.

This works well for us and all the apps that we have written in B4A.
However, we do have several units that do not have that feature and the vendor only provides us with a sample Eclipse project showing how to access the Barcode Scanner or the RFID Reader.

We need someone who can take the project and give us a library that would give us access to the Barcode Scanner and the RFID Reader from B4A.

Let me know through this forum or my email if you are interested.



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Sound intresting. But you need a device to do tests. May you give more details. Thank you


Licensed User
Longtime User
Library for Barcode Scanner.

Thank you for your reply, but I have given the work to someone on the forum last night.

When we have this kind of work, we always provide the hardware as well.
It would be very difficult to produce the code without it.

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