Low clicks at admob


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Hello my friends,
About 3 days now I encounter an unexpected "problem" with admod. These 5 years at my apps I get about 500-600 clicks a day with a low CPC. From Monday I get about 80 clicks per day but with a higher CPC. Of course my daily budget is less than past years even with a higher CPC. All other stats are the same downloads per day, number of ads shown etc...
Does anyone encounter same behavior?


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maybe they get the same ads over and over and people don't click something they've seen before?


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The higher number of clicks I get from a banner, so I think many of them are by accident. But difference is extremely big and other stats remain the same, that's why I am so curious... Do we need to use GDPR agreement in order to show ads?


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I don't know from what date that consent thing should be implemented.

Most of my users are european and I still earn a few euros a day.

I'll have a closer look at the admob stats maybe the EU ones are dropping out now.


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In my case I can see that Belgium & Holland still have earnings vs impressions.

when I look from March till now I can spot a huge drop in impressions.
from 5600 to 2600 in 1 day and then it stayed like that and slightly going down between 1300-2500.


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is pageviews banner load requests?

you have 1% conversion which is quite low I guess so you RPM will be extremely low.

maybe admob tweaked their 'remove accidental clicks' filters?


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Maybe this code is false?
Sub Ad_FailedToReceiveAd (ErrorCode As String)
    LogColor("not Received - " &"Error Code: "&ErrorCode,Colors.Red)
    If AdView1.IsInitialized Then
        AdView1.LoadAd 'prepare a new ad
    End If
End Sub
Because it tries always to find a new ad when can't get one... Do you think google algorithm find this "harmfull"?


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I'd use a timer a try again after 15 seconds.

They might block an flood of requests coming from the same IP address after some attempts.


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i guess if an ad failed to receive it may be because of bad internet connection or no internet connection so the request did also not arrived at the AdMob server so i don't think AdMob has blocked your app or something like that. anyway, i would not try to load the adview each time it did not receive. i would maybe do it on activity resume event or after 1 minute try again. you could put a global boolean when ad did not load (or load, its up to you) and then try to load it again in a later stage.
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