LPWANs: LoRa and other spread spectrum ISM solutions...


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I have recently started to look at this, and this is what I have found, related to the underlying radio technologies used to exchange data between the host/concentrator/bridge and the end devices (sensor networks, spread control), in the specific case where the needs are: "some kilometers range", "low-data-rate", and "very-low-cost-deployment"

Among all the existing ISM technologies and vendors, I have found LoRa alliance (a whole ecosystem based on an open standard and a single chipset vendor which implements the radio low level technology), SigFox (not spread spectrum, but UNB) and others...each one with its benefits and use cases (this is what they claim). There is also Zigbee and others which only use the lower layers of it, but I think the above are much longer range

Has anybody worked with these, or other long-range-low-cost solutions? (with P2P or more advanced topologies). I would be interested to hear about it :)